I’m not really one to anticipate film releases but there are some exceptions. Truth be told, I waited with bated breath for Michael Douglass to reveal himself as Liberace in Behind the Candelabra, and I was not disappointed.
In other cinematic realms, AWAKE -The Life of Yogananda is a release I’d been waiting lifetimes for and didn’t even know it.
You can find out more at: http://www.awaketheyoganandamovie.com
(excerpted from awaketheyoganandamovie.com)
Filmed over three years with the participation of 30 countries around the world, the documentary examines the world of yoga, modern and ancient, east and west and explores why millions today have turned their attention inwards, bucking the limitations of the material world in pursuit of self-realization.
Archival material from the life of Yogananda (who died in 1952) creates a spine for the narrative, but the film stretches the dimensions of a standard biography. The footage includes stylized interviews, metaphoric imagery and recreations, taking us from holy pilgrimages in India to Harvard’s Divinity School and its cutting-edge physics labs, from the Center for Science and Spirituality at the University of Pennsylvania to the Chopra Center in Carlsbad, California. By evoking the journey of the soul as it pushes its way through the oppression of the human ego and delusion of the material world, the film creates an experiential immersion into the unseen realms. AWAKE is ultimately the story of humanity itself: the universal struggle of all beings to free themselves from suffering and to seek lasting happiness.
There is 1 comment
So happy to see your critique. I’m still waiting with great anticipation, peace and love.