I met Anthony Torres on a story about a film school called Inner City Filmmakers. It’s a film school boot camp for marginalized kids in LA. He’s a trailer editor. The whole time he’s been nurturing a decidedly pathological obsession with collecting stuff from the Scream movies.
excerpt — Deep in the far reaches of Montebello, in a secret temple, a young monk arranges sacred objects on the altar with exacting specificity. Each item is invested with hallowed significance and placed in its preordained place.
Shot by Sam Slovick & Sean Hernandez.
Cut by Anthony and Sean.
https://samslovick.com http://twitter.com/samslovick http://www.youtube.com/SamSlovick http://www.facebook.com/sam.slovick http://www.huffingtonpost.com/sam-slovick
read the story here: http://blogs.laweekly.com/informer/pavement/