#DeColonizeLACityHall is an ongoing direct action by Black Lives Matter-LA at City Hall East in downtown Los Angeles now in it’s 23rd day.
The spontaneous action began on Tuesday, July 12, just after the Los Angeles Police Commission announced that the 2015 police killing of a black woman named Redel Jones was deemed in policy.
Tents are up now at City Hall half a block away from LAPD headquarters, a stone’s thrown from skid row, just down the street and around the corner from County Jail.
Today is day 23 of #DecolonizeLACityHall.
Less hate group, more love vortex, Decolonize LA City Hall posts a daily schedule on a dry erase board near a tidy, well stocked food tent that includes meditation, community building workshops, meals, poetry, dance, yoga, bodywork and music and that’s just during the day light hours.